Nolan is no longer on an IV. He's also in a "big boy" bed. It's still just a plastic dish on a metal cart, but at least we can see him & pick him up without reaching through holes or opening a door.
He's pretty much self-sufficient now. He's a little picky about his feedings, so he still has the feeding tube. But they moved it to his nose so he can latch on to mom or his bottle better. He seems to eat well every other feeding. He's too tired in between, so they still gavage feed him (through the tube). Tonight he did good with mom, then had seconds from the bottle! Hungry boy, definitely my son. Hopefully he'll be taking every feeding from mom or the bottle soon!
Nolan also initiated a new nurse today while she was changing his diaper. Apparently Nolan was so explosive, the nurse had to go change her scrubs. Must have been payback for all the IV's and tubes from his first week :) A couple more of those stunts, and they'll be sending him home in no time!